Help Strengthen Marriages By Helping MNO Win a New Web-Site!!

Will you help us?

You can help strengthen marriages in the Sooner State by taking an extra minute to click on the following link:

Marriage Network Oklahoma, with whom OFPC partners for marriage ministry, is a finalist (hooray!) in the offer by OKC Website Design company Element Fusion to generously donate a free Web-site design to one of three finalists. The general public votes, beginning today through Feb. 27, to determine what nonprofit organization wins the free new Web-site. The winner will be announced on March 1.

As you may know, Marriage Network Oklahoma's vision is to work with Oklahoma's thousands of churches to help them to develop comprehensive marriage ministries within their congregations. In Oklahoma, 76% of couples get married in a church, but after the wedding, many churches do little or nothing to help married couples actually foster and and grow the marriage to which they've committed. MNO is working to change that one church at a time.

Imagine what could happen to this state (and for the cause of Christ) if many thousands of Oklahoma's marriages were strong, healthy, and holy pictures of the love Christ has for His bride, the Church? No divorces isn't our goal -- it's thriving marriages for the benefit of husbands, wives, children, and our society that is MNO's goal. But, it's not going to happen unless Oklahoma's churches are a BIG part of the solution. And actively helping Oklahoma's churches to realize this goal is what Marriage Network Oklahoma is all about.

MNO really needs and desires a great, new Web-site to tell our story, and YOU can be a crucial link in helping us to meet this need. Please click on the Element Fusion link and vote for Marriage Network Oklahoma before Feb. 27.

Click on the following link:

Also, forward the above link with a short note of explanation and invitation to all your friends and colleagues, too. Many thanks for voting for Marriage Network Oklahoma!

David Dunn
Oklahoma Family Policy Council
Executive Board, Marriage Network Oklahoma

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